Hello Everyone! How are you all doing? We have a special request for all our deeply beloved regular festival goers…

Tickets are selling faster this year than they have for a number of years and we don’t want our core fans missing out, so our request is simply that you get in touch to reserve your tickets for 2018.

You may have asked to book tickets with Keir, Keith or Pedie at then end of Ceòl 2017, but as 2 thirds of these people have reached an age where they can’t even remember what year it is, we ask you to please put your request in writing.  So if you intimated at this year’s festival that you would like tickets reserved, or if you didn’t but wish you had, then we ask that you please email Keir direct to confirm.

I’ve you’ve already been in touch with Keir or Keith via email then relax – you’re tickets are safe and you can look forward to another year of festival revelry.

As for payment, there is no need to part with the hard earned cash yet. When that time comes we’ll send an e-mail to all of our reservists, most likely in the first quarter of next year.

In the meantime keep up to date with us on twitter, facebook and instagram, and if you haven’t already done so check out the Ceòl Christmas Countdown.